Where will I study ?
Le Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Institute for Engineering)
Le Cnam is a public educational institution with a scientific, cultural and professional character. The three fundamental missions are: lifelong learning, the research and the technological innovation and the broadcasting of the scientific and technical culture. The programmes are developed in collaboration with the professional circles and therefore rest on a network of 150 present centres on the whole metropolitan and ultra-marine territory as well as abroad.
You can read more on the CNAM website.
Les Compagnons
Les Compagnons is a French organization of craftsmen and artisans dating back to the Middle Ages. Their traditional technical education includes taking a tour, the Tour de France, around France and doing apprenticeships with masters around the country. Since 2011, the Tour of the World has been developed and today Les Compagnons is present in 50 different countries around the world.
Les Compagnons will e.g. help arrange the internship period in France during the 5th and 6th semester.
You can read more on Les Compagnons website.
Pedagogical Approach
Le Cnam and Les Compagnons have developed an educational programme focusing on both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The periods at the university gives you relevant theoretical knowledge, and the periods in the company (internship) gives you the necessary professional skills. The programmes are based on real projects and are solved using professional tools. The problem based learning approach is in focus, which means that you have to engage actively in the problem solving process. It is common to work in groups with projects because it improves your skills in engineering, building information modelling, communication and teamwork.
You will spend one month in a company and one month at the institution. The courses and the projects at the institution are scheduled from 9 am to 12 o’clock and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm five days per week.
Winter holiday: one week between Christmas day and New Year Day
Summer holiday: end of June until end of September
July 14th: Bastille Day (French National Day)
We can offer you both accommodation and meals during your stay with us. This gives you time to focus on your studies and explore the city. We will lodge you in a room with another student (2 person rooms), and the room will be located in the city centre.
Our meals are balanced and of good quality. Out of the time spent in companies, having breakfast, lunch and dinner at the House of Compagnons is compulsory. The bedding is entirely provided by the House of Compagnons.
The total amount for accommodation is 650 EUR per month (including food and charges for water, electricity and heating).
For more information, please contact

How much will it cost me ?
You don't need to pay a tuition fee for your participation in the European Professional Bachelor Programme, as you will have the exchange student status. Nevertheless you will be required to pay the tuition fees of the academic year in your home institution.
You are also of course expected to cover your costs related to e.g. travel, accommodation and food.
You can apply for an Erasmus+ grant, which is a scholarship that will cover some of your travel and living costs during your exchange semesters. Please note, you cannot expect that the Erasmus+ grant will cover all your costs during your exchange periods and should therefore be seen as a contribution. During the 5th and the 6th semester, you will divide your time between being a student and an intern, and you will receive an internship salary from the company corresponding to 1,000 EUR per month.
You can apply for an Erasmus+ grant at the same time as you apply for studying abroad.
For more information on the application form, please contact

Mobility Guideline
In preparation for a working stay in France, it is advisable that you familiarize yourself with the country, its people and customs.
This document will help you to find your way in your new living and working environment, especially in the beginning of your stay.